Friday 15 June 2012

Get Smooth Scrolling for your Browser

Do you like the smooth scrolling in your iPhones or Macs and want that same experience for you Windows browsers than try some of this trick:

Chrome users can download this extension called Chromium Wheel Smooth Scroller. It is an extension that will add some really great scrolling features to your chrome browser. You can choose the acceleration, speed, and some other stuff to get the perfect scrolling settings. With this extension you can even choose to have rubberband effect (Elastic effect when you reach at the top of the window) of you Mac Lions and iPhones.

Mozilla Firefox:
This extension Yet Another Smooth Scrolling is same as the one described above but for Firefox! Even this has advance speed settings and rubberband effect option.

You can even try Firefox's own autoscrolling option but it's crap. Just check the box next to "Use Smooth Scrolling" from Tools > Options > Advanced > General.

I have nothing for Opera users except this small tweek, but don't get you hopes high it wont work like the above extensions. Just type "opera:config#UserPrefs|SmoothScrolling" in the address bar and hit Enter, then check the box next to Smooth Scrolling.

Chrome Chromium Wheel Smooth Scroller
Mozilla Firefox Yet Another Smooth Scrolling

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