Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Downgrade Your iPhones, iPads, And iTouch So That You Can JailBreak Or Unlock It

If you are a tech enthusiast or a developer and got your hands on the latest beta version of the iOS 6, then you must be both excited and kind of sorry. One of the few reasons to be sorry is that must have lost the jailbreak. Actually iOS 6 is already jailbroken in its beta stage, but still a lot of things don't work the way they should. Back to the point, if you want to roll back to iOS 5.1.1 all you need to do is just connect your iOS Device to iTunes and then just restore your device. This will roll it back to the latest stable iOS 5.1.1 so you are all set to jailbreak it again.

If you are some guy who wants to downgrade from iOS 5 to 4 or any other version, you'll have to do some more work. This page on iJailbreak is always updated so that you can downgrade you iOS devices. Just follow the instructions and you'll be fine. But be aware this can go wrong and can result into and expensive paperweight at the end. And neither of us iJailbreak or AddictionForTech is responsible for that. 


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