Thursday, 26 April 2012

Increase you internet speed for almost no cost!!

I know you must have always wondered if there was a way to increase you internet speed without having to ask your parents to ramp up your internet plan or having to pay extra by yourselves??
Well to be hones with you there isn't..
Not exactly.. By doing a few performance tweaks in Windows you can increase you internet speed.

There are many ways to increase you internet speed, following are the ones I know. So please let me know if there are any other ways  to boost internet speeds for free or at low cost.

1. Power Manger tweak in Windows

This tweak will give a little bit of performance boost. It is very useful where there is a low wi-fi reception. For those who can't watch or understand the following video, let me help you step by step.

Step 1: Go to Start button
Step 2: Go to Control Panel -> Power Options
Step 3: Chose the power option to which you want to apply this tweak (Example:High Performance)
Step 4: Click "Change plan Setting " right next to the power plan you chose
Step 5: Click "Change advanced and power settings "
Step 6: Find "Wireless Adapter Settings" and click the plus sign next to it.
Step 7: Click on the plus sign nest to the "Power Saving Mode"
Step 8: Select "Maximum Performance" for both the situations of computer power (i.e On battery and Plugged in) 

2. Get youselfs a Good Ethernet cable

I know you will say that I already have a ethernet cable. But the question is what type/category of  ethernet cable you own. The ethernet cables come in category. The most common now a days are Cat5 cables. But most of you still might be using you old grandma ethernet cables to surf you internet because you are too lazy to buy new one or you didn't knew that old ethernet cables can affect you speed. So when you use you Cat3 ethernet cable to surf the web, it is but obvious you are going to swear you internet company for blocking you bandwidth even though you are generous enough to pill their pockets with great amount of money by taking up a premium high speed plan.
You can buy a Cat6 ethernet cable if you are looking for high data transfer speed between your media center and you computer or Cat5 or Cat5e cables will just do fine with the data speeds of upto 1GB/Sec.
You can buy  this Cat5 and Cat6 cables from you nearest superstores, or they are even available online on:
Amazon:  Cat5, Cat5e, Cat6.
eBay:       Cat5, Cat5eCat6

Please do you selves a favor and don't buy Cat7, and those gold plated Ethernet cable. they are of no use unless you have a "Supermachine" to work with.

3.Create a Cantenna

People seem to love this DIY and guess wat it is not fake!! It really works so create your Cantenna and surf web a mile away from you home(May be that's a lie , but you get the idea). This device is very easy to make and cheap to make. This video by postadelmaga  youtube shows you how to make a Canteena.

4. Install a custom firmware on you router

Let me clear one thing this method can get a little geeky, it can breach your routers warranty, you router can be of no use if things go wrong but it is worth all of this it you know the feeling you get after accomplishing it.
This method is even hard for me to explain so I am just leaving you with this video and some information so that you can search other techniques to install it by googling it.
Some basic Information:
The site where you will find the firm ware is here
Lifehackers post on installing custom firmware is here
Check if you router is supported by DD-WRT here
List of videos on Youtube to install DD-WRT are here but you'll have to add your router name into the search for more personalized installation information,

5. Get youself a better ISP

I know this might hurt but the best thing to get better speed is by having a high internet speed plan in the first place. The above methods are just tweaks and can help you increase speed in some situations, finally it all depends on your ISP, if your ISP is giving you a maximum of 24MBPS then there is almost nothing that can change it to 100MBPS for free. So try to find  a better ISP that can provide higher speeds for almost the same price. Compare different ISP and then chose the best you can find.

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